We are blessed to be custodians of this land which we aim to farm in the most sustainable way possible, preserving soils for future generations and preserving biodiversity.
The vineyard was planted in the early 90's on its own rootstock, on grey-red sandy loam over clay. The vineyard is mostly on a south facing slope, with a small area at the southern end of the vineyard, on a gentle north facing slope. There are also cooling effects from nearby hills.
Up until we inherited the farm January 2021, the vineyard was farmed without the use of fertilisers, herbicides and pesticides - practices we are continuing. The resulting soil is full of life, and is rich and dark in colour as a result of plenty of humus and organic matter. Compost teas, fish oil, seaweed extract and humate are applied to feed and nurture a healthy and diverse range of soil organisms and grass species, which in turn release nutrients into the soil to feed the vines, improve soil condition and fruit quality, cultivate natural and healthy grapes.
We are working on building biodiversity around the farm by replanting the gardens, the dam and around the vineyard with species of plants that are indigenous to the area, supporting native insect population which in turn will also prey on pests in the vineyard.